Virtual CIO Services
RieVax's specialized vCIO service provides a dedicated senior technology advisor to guide your team through the complexity of IT technology and infrastructure. Our advisor draws on experience gained from hundreds of other companies to set IT goals, manage your strategy, and align your budget with your objectives. Benefit from our expertise in selecting and implementing the best technology solutions to solve your specific challenges.
Why vCIO services?
Technology should increase revenue and decrease expenses. But using the wrong technology means wasted money. Have you reviewed your IT services, apps, and systems lately? Lack of strategic tech management leaves no time to grow. Technology is complex, and it changes fast. Our vCIO services will manage strategic planning, create your IT budget and design your IT technology roadmap.
Virtual CIO Services from RieVax - Your Dedicated Technology Executive
IT Budgeting
IT Policy and Process Documentation
DR Response Planning
Incident Respone Planning
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the advantages of vCIO services?
Having a virtual CIO for your growing business provides clear advantages:
Clear understanding of current technology and future technology direction
Constant Assessment and Improvement of your IT Infrastructure and IT Services
Understand how much IT costs with IT Budget creation and management
Application and workflow and efficiency improvement with innovative Technology
IT audit and IT certification management
How much does a full-time CIO cost?
Most small to medium sized businesses (SMB) can’t afford a full-time CIO and here’s why. The compensation package for a enterprise CIO can be over $1 million a year. At a large company their salary is around $500k, then dipping down to about $200k in smaller organization.
What are the risks of not using vCIO services?
Small to mid-sized businesses are encouraged to take advantage of vCIO services in order to maintain their IT infrastructure and allow consistent growth. Some of the risks that these companies may encounter by not choosing to hire a vCIO include:
Security breaches
Reduced productivity
Inadequate preparation for potential disaster
Poor technology decisions
Unnecessary downtime
Poorly managed process change
Increased overhead expenses
Reduced profit